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Poetry and Prose

I don't pretend to be particularly great at writing poetry, but I occasionally go through periods where I write a bunch of it.

This Menacing Cage

During the rare times of quiescence

That I garner on this loud Earth

I sit myself down

upon the ground

And open my heart to mirth. 


First, I must take a day’s journey,  

the cityscape shrinks in my wake, 

It’s a pilgrimage

right to the ridge 

Where my dried out soul may slake. 


Lungs re-inflate with nurturing air

Once wan skin regains its hue

the smile oft adrift

begins to lift

upon joy nothing can subdue


Bathing in nature’s sweet solitude

Just myself and all the wildlife

Only nature can assuage

the menacing cage

The menacing cage called modern life

Going Sane

I walked into the diner with a .45

With the intention of killing everyone alive

Grabbing the cash and stealing a car

Then driving off some place really far


I sat at a table to gather my nerve

Go over my plan and just observe

When she walked up saying, ‘What’ll it be?’

I felt something change inside of me


The depth of her eyes was so serene

It chinked off the dirt & made my soul clean

My eyes watered up - it was hard to breathe

But I managed a smile and ordered the #3


I walked into the diner with a .45

With the intention of killing everyone alive

I walked out of the diner with a new life

And the phone number of my future wife

I Wasn't Always This Old

Elephant skin is setting in

right below my eyes.

The cracks and slides

of living a long life

are creeping up the sides.


My elbows and knees

are sharp enough to cut down trees,

skin sticks up like jagged ice.

And please don’t mention

the pains begging for attention

after long and sleepless nights.


All that being said, 

I’m glad I’m not dead.

Which isn’t exactly the same as

saying I’m happy to be alive.

But it is an odd contrast,

living life so fast,

for someone who’s still shocked

that he’s old enough to drive.

The Dividing Line

Where is safety from insanity, a barrier 

from flying bullets?

A little place to crawl into that still

lets me live a life?

A bubble

  A nook

    A tight place to squeeze and 

look out from underneath, but still, somehow

live a life? 

A community in solitude, solace in compounds,

an anti-social hole without a drop of misanthropy.




Filtered from the unfit. 

When does this desire cross the line dividing quaint rural life and paranoid recluse?

Urns Nor Stones

The body gets buried

    Or else it gets burned

But where goes the mind,

    And everything learned?


What of the Self?

    The thoughts and the essence?

Too simple to speak

    Of mere evanescence.


Decades of disposition,

    Tailored and honed,

Cannot be contained

    By urns nor by stones.


How could a world of individuals,

        Unique in all ways,

Fully extinguish,

        In this mortal ballet?

My Son On
the Keys


The correct notes played,

the little mistakes.

        Straight back

    Hands raised 



Filling our house with rag,

        now it’s classical,

            now it’s jazz.

Now it’s something he made up.


All the players

    the world has seen,

With these same notes,

        These same keys,

And he makes something up -

       something brand new,

            heretofore unheard.


An ocean finding a new way to wave.

An apple falling like never before.


It’s all black and white rectangles to me

    But to him,

    this eight year old boy,

    it makes sense.

Zimpuktoo Lands 

A large green world,

A larger black sign,

The words, “Go away” thrice underlined.

Very clear orders,

Written in red,

I should have left but landed instead.

I’m not sure why,

It was a dumb move,

Very dumb in fact as this poem with prove.

Within a few seconds,

I changed my mind,

But it was too late for I had no time.

Because I was gripped,

By a huge hand,

Why oh why oh why did I land?!

Raised in the air,

Dangled over teeth,

Rancid breath rising from the mouths beneath.

Starting to worry,

Wanting to scream,

I opened my mouth and started to … sing!?

What was I thinking?

Was I at all?

All the I knew is I didn’t want to fall.

Lowered down a bit,

To meet his eyes,

He and the giants were all in surprise.

I’m no real singer,

But I can get by,

When I hit the high-G they started to cry.

I kept on singing,

They kept on bawling,

Setting me down with tears still falling.

Pool sized drops,

Crashed around me,

Then once again, I hit the high-G.

This time though,

I didn’t know why,

They screamed so loudly I wanted to cry

I thought my sweet lyrics,

Were causing the tears,

But it turned out I was hurting their ears!

They fell down hard,

They grabbed their heads,

I took my chance and quickly fled!

At my very top speed,

I flew away

Right passed the sign that I should have obeyed.

Tribelka Skwoon 

A short flight away from empty Blugwunn,

Slightly closer to a giant orange sun,

A little to the left of a dying moon,

Floats a planet named Tribelka Skwoon.


Now, Tribelka Skwoon is covered in hordes,

Who’ve divided their land in accordance to fjords,

It’s a little confusing, when at first you hear

But look at a map and it becomes clear

…. kind of.


The fjord to the North is called Tribelka

While the Southern fjord is known as Tribelkaa.

The Eastern one has been named Tribellka

And the Western fjord is labeled Tribellkaa


Their names are quite similar till they’re pronounced,

Because a double ‘A’ is quite loudly announced,

But when one ‘A’ sits sad and alone,

It takes on the sound of a broken trombone.


If you can burp, the double ‘L’ is for you,

Because, to say it, that is what you must do.

One L is boring, really nothing to report,

It sounds like an L, —Well, an L with a snort.


Now that you know, go back and re-read

Pronouncing the names is a doable deed,

It may strain your tongue or vocal chords,

But now you can visit the Tribelka Fjords.

Grey, Grey Beach

There’s a place where I meet you, 

A place I am not sure can exist.

I go there slightly post-slumber,

Under skies of muted myst.


A grey beach stretching to infinity

The pale waves are static, soundless.

Birds overhead, slightly slow motion

Though their flightpath seems quite boundless


Only a thin line of light

separates the sky from the sea

Like a barely open eye,

the horizon squints at me.


You appear as a distant dot

The only real color in this land,

Flowing so softly, as if submerged

but advancing on the sand


We're pulled to one another

Like black holes in the twilight

Anticipation sedates me further

then everything goes white


I wrap my arms around you

but you are only chilled air,

When down upon me, a soft breeze,

I imagine it is your hair.


A kiss like a whispering statue

standing in a vacant sanctuary,

Down to the ground, moans fill up

this once barren estuary


Hands I see no hint of

warm my unclad flesh throughout,

Coming together near this sea

Leaving no fear of drought.


Collapsing supine and panting

Slowly fading from all the grey,

Eyes re-opening slowly

Finding loneliness on the bay.

Grey fades,

Darkness rises, 

Body falls,

Body lands…


Back in bed, tangled in sheets

The sound of the city grates my ears,

The cars, the sirens, the screaming, the barking,

The source of all my fears.


Reaching for my glass of water

but my cold hand slips on by,

Looking back at the night, I wonder,

were you the ghost... or was I?

Verbal Disease

By day so freely from my lips

    come jests and statements so foul,

Seemingly more manufactured

    Not in my brain but in my bowel.


No red flags nor error codes

    alert my mouth to at once cease,

Like a clueless, even excited,

    dispenser of some verbal disease.


But by night, Oh, regret filled night!

    The utterances persistently replay,

Rolling around in guilty sheets

    Choking on words I can’t unsay.

My Heart to


Aching in the chambers of my heart

but far outside as well,

No liquor I’ve imbibed

Nor poison I’ve tried

Begins to extinguish this Hell.


When the empty spaces inflate themselves

with the intention of my soul to sinter,

Such twisted shadows cast

Through present and through past,

That bury my heart to overwinter.


So often wrought with mental toil,

So anguished is this mind,

So little proof

of your faithful Truth,

while viewed from this brain; unkind


Alone at his work desk

Dwibble twiddles his thumbs

All day, everyday he sits

Until his butt cheeks go numb


No contributions to make

No real work for him to do

Dwibble sits and stares

Until each workday is through.


One work day Dwibble slept,

His brain realized it preferred dreams

It told his body to keep napping

It obeyed him, so it seems


Too asleep to eat or drink

Is much too asleep to live

With his death you could say

His resignation Dwibble did give


It was called natural causes

By the paper and those who adored him

But you and I know the truth

Poor Dwibble died of boredom

Get updated when I post things to my website. I think that's a good idea.

Thank you so much!

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